Rental Assistance
Struggling to pay your rent? There are few rental assistance programs that may be able to help.
Indiana Emergency Rental Assistance
The State of Indiana is offering rental assistance to local renters who have suffered from the recent quarantine events and are currently being threatened with a pending eviction.
Township Trustee
Contact your local township trustee's office for help with housing, employment, and other social services on a case by case basis.
Rental Assistance
The TBRA Program provides rental assistance, security deposits, and utility deposits to households of formerly incarcerated individuals.
We are currently building out the Rental Housing for Formerly Incarcerated Persons Database. Please submit this form if you have successfully worked with a rental company or individual that is willing to rent to formerly incarcerated individuals and we will add them to the database.
Tenant Based
Rental Assistance
“Housing is a major component of successful reentry"
- Grant County Probation Officer
Quick Links:
Those that have formerly been incarcerated are more likely to have unique housing challenges. In the 2018 report, “No Where to Go: Homelessness Amongst Formerly Incarcerated People,” the Prison Policy Initiative estimates that formerly incarcerated people are 10 times more likely to be homeless than the general public. Access to safe, stable, and decent housing in Grant County is critical to reducing the likelihood of reoffending.
How to Particpate
Step 1: Confirm Eligibility
1. The TBRA Applicant must meet ONE of the three criteria:
a) The individual is currently incarcerated and is exiting incarceration
within 6 months; or
b) The individual/household is currently homeless or living in transitional
housing and has been incarcerated at some point; or
c) The individual/household is experiencing a housing crisis (struggling to pay
rent, at risk of eviction, etc.)
2. The annual Household income does NOT exceed the follow limits:
3. Household must be willing to:
a) Sign a 1 year Lease
b) Live in Grant County
c) Contribute a minimum of $10 per month
4. Household must have a qualifying "Referral Partner"
a) Referral Partner must be a professional, such as a Case Manager,
Community Corrections/Probation Officer, Program Manager, etc.
b) Referral Partner must recommend the client for services through filling
out the TBRA Referral Form and participate in the Client Intake Meeting
Eligible TBRA participants must meet the following requirements: